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LUMIX DMW-XLR1 Mic Adapter

XLR microphone adaptor for video production

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You can expand the audio capabilities of your LUMIX GH5, GH5S and G9 camera with this XLR Microphone adapter. It directly connects to the camera and provides two XLR inputs so you can use professional microphones. There is also an integrated cable clamp that keeps cable tidies out the way and a control panel which comes with a clear cover for protection of the dials and controls underneath it, the adaptor is powered from the camera

Compatible with: GH5, GH5S and G9
Input: Analog, XLR Jack x 2 terminals
Output: Digital, I2S format, Fs = 48 k or 96 kHz, Bit depth = 16 or 24 bit.

You will require the suspension mount to mount the microphone on top of the XLR adaptor (see accessories below).

Description Quantity
Generic Short XLR Lead1
Lowepro D-Res 20AW case1
Hireacamera USB Drive (Containing Manual)1
Generic XLR Release Pin2
Panasonic Rubber XLR Port cover2
Panasonic Clear Control Panel Cover1
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